projects Completed projects 1995-2000
Tender documentation of the pedestrian sightseeing avenue at the Eastern embankment of Paskowa Island

Wrocław Board of Roads and Public Transpor (ZDiK)

WROCŁAW- Wyspa Piaskowa – Poland

Design stage:
Projekt bulwaru spacerowo widokowego na wschodnim brzegu Wyspy Piaskowej we Wrocławiu

Date of completion:
June – September 1996

Technical data:
Cakowita powierzchnia terenu opracowywanego
10 771 m2
Powierzchnia utwardzona nawierzchnią kostki granitowej
1 790 m2

Scope of design:
Plan of the pedestrian avenue on Piaskowa Island.
Building permit and construction design of “Piaskowa Island” Avenue. The avenue situated intheoldest part of Down Town of Wrocław combines the function of a pedestrian and cyclist short cut path wth provision of a green asylum wth the open views on Odra river. The pavement designed in syenite and granite together with artistic ironmongery of benches, lamp posts entrance gates, access slopes etc. magnifies the true beautyo one o the Down Town architectural spos.
TenderDocumentation ”Piaskowa Island Avenue”.